Brax.Me Store Preview

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Braxmail Email Service

Keep your email content away from Big Tech! Now accessible via Webmail.

Purchasing this item will give you a new email account or renew the existing email associated with your account. You may add a year to the subscription by repurchasing at any time. Email Service with the follo... More...
50.00 US Dollar

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Brax Virtual Phone Base Subscription

1000 SMS, 1000 Calls Minutes /yr

This Brax Virtual Phone is a VOIP service that allows you to receive calls and texts in the USA or Canada through a pseudo-anonymous phone number.

There is no need for an actual phone. It is basically a virtual phone that people can call.

The main purpose ... More...
60.00 US Dollar

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Brax Virtual Phone Base SMS Only

2500 SMS, 0 Calls Minutes /yr

This Brax Virtual Phone is a VOIP service allows you to text in the USA through a pseudo-anonymous phone number.

The main purpose of this inexpensive service is to have a low use option. One that can be used as a phone number for various websites (2FA). SMS or Te... More...
60.00 US Dollar

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Brax Virtual Phone Unlimited Calls Limited SMS

SMS 1000/yr, Calls 3500 min/month

This is the same as the Brax Virtual Phone Base plan but with a monthly limit of 3500 minutes a month.

SMS Limit 1000 per year.

This is the best option for landline use. All you need is an internet connection. This also works great with hardware IP Phones.\... More...
120.00 US Dollar

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Brax Virtual Phone Unlimited Calls and SMS

SMS 7000/yr Calls 3500 min/month

This is the same as the Brax Virtual Phone Base plan but with a monthly limit of 3500 minutes a month.

7000 Annual SMS Limit.

Residential or Personal use only. Business use is not allowed. Spam violations ... More...
180.00 US Dollar

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Brax Virtual Phone Renewal

This will renew your existing Brax Virtual Phone accounts. The total shown will reflect all your active subscriptions that are due for renewal in the next six months.

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(Total To Be Computed) US Dollar

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SMS Refill Per 1K

This is a refill pack to top off a Virtual Phone Service for 1000 Additional SMS once a service has exceeded the maximum limit.

Unlimited plan has a maximum of 7000 SMS Annually.... More...
30.00 US Dollar

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BYOD Install for SIP Phones and ATA

We will configure your SIP Credentials to phones you bring to us (Bring Your Own Device). Please make sure we can do your model before you ship it.

No International Service.... More...
140.00 US Dollar

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Polycom VVX 310 VOIP Phone (Used)

Used Polycom VVX 310 VOIP Phone 6-Line, includes BYOD programming for your phone number.... More...
170.00 US Dollar

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Landline - Grandstream (Base Station + Phone)

Grandstream DP752 Long-range DECT Base Station + DP722 UNITS DECT HD Cordless Handset (1 x DP722). This is a SIP phone that can handle up to 10 SIP accounts.

For use as a Landline with Brax Virtual Phone service.

Please order your Brax Virtual Phone service first, and provision a phone in adv... More...
259.00 US Dollar

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** New or Renewal **

BytzVPN is a VPN service through a trusted source. While large corporations, often owning privacy invading divisions, push marketing heavy VPN services, BytzVPN is run by a small company with a known face: Rob Braxman.

Remember that a VPN is safe only if you trust the VPN ... More...
89.00 US Dollar

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BraxRouterNUC Software

BraxRouterNUC Software - Router Software intended for Intel NUC Devices like NUC7 - NUC12.

This provides VPN, TOR, LOKINET and Open modes on the router which can be operated via a browser.

This is initially installed by pre-installing Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Then upon purchase an installation script... More...
149.00 US Dollar

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BraxRouter (PI 4)

Raspberry PI 4B 4GB with Brax VPN/TOR Router Software and custom case (Complete) - Wired or Wifi mode.

Why do you need a VPN Wifi router if you can install the VPN software on each device?

First of all, this supports unlimited devices.

Second your guests will not have VPN access normally ... More...
279.00 US Dollar

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BraxRouter Replacement Micro-SD Card

Replacement MicroSD card preinstalled with BraxRouter Software for Raspberry PI 4B. This is only for those already owning a Braxrouter.

You must be a verified licensee of the current BraxRouter software.... More...
11.00 US Dollar

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BraxRouter Software for Raspberry PI

Software provides a VPN Router, TOR Router, or Open Router capability to a Raspberry PI 5, Pi 4 or Pi 3 B.+.

This is delivered on a Micro-SD card that is inserted into the Raspberry Pi if you're in North America.

Wired or Wifi mode.

Requires a BytzVPN subscription to use the VPN routing. I... More...
149.00 US Dollar

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BraX3 Phones will be available for pre-order starting October 2024 but will be offered by a separate company that will just be for the phone. Brax Technologies Inc.

Because of this, the Pre-Orders, Support, and Store will be handled on a separate website. It will not be sold on this store.

Pre... More...
299.00 US Dollar

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Pixel 8 Pro (De-Googled) Mint

Pixel 8 Pro De-Googled with IODE OS... More...
775.00 US Dollar

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Google Pixel 7 (IODE OS) De-Googled

Google Pixel 7 de-Googled with IODE OS. This is an intermediate sized phone slightly smaller than a Pixel 7 Pro but larger than a Pixel 5.

128GB storage. 5G phone.
6.3" Display
6.1 by 2.9 by 0.3 inches

This is used phone in mint condition.

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685.00 US Dollar

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Google Pixel 6 IODE OS (De-Googled) - Mint

Google Pixel 6 de-Googled with IODE OS. This is a larger sized phone slightly larger than a Pixel 7.

128GB storage. 5G phone.
6.4" Display

This is used phone in mint condition.

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470.00 US Dollar

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Google Pixel 6a - IODE OS (De-Googled)- Mint

Google Pixel 6a de-Googled with IODE OS. This is an intermediate sized phone slightly smaller than a Pixel 6 but larger than a Pixel 4a.

128GB storage. 5G phone
6.1" Display

This is used phone in mint condition.
... More...
420.00 US Dollar

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